Case Studies

Kings Square Shopping Centre

Eliminating parking misconduct from private areas of a renowned shopping centre in the United Kingdom reinstates spaces to be utilised by the shopping centre to carry off its crucial tasks efficiently & without disturbance.

Dental Wellbeing

Stupendous CCTV parking enforcement service eradicated the issue of unauthorised parking from the parking space of Dental Wellbeing.

Harvest Energy

Impeccable CCTV parking enforcement services in a fuel station, located beside a busy road in the UK, eradicated visitors’ complaints regarding parking, and also ameliorated revenues.

Castle Surgery

Castle Surgery tackled parking misuse with Euro Parking Services ANPR Hybrid Solution, whitelisting for staff and mobile payments, enhancing efficiency and generating extra revenue.

Kingstanding Surgery

Kingstanding Clinic solved unauthorised parking issues with Euro Parking Services’ monitors, Kiosk Terminal, and extended permissions portal. This improved parking availability, reduced misuse, and enhanced guideline awareness.