How Can Hotels Make Money With Empty Car Park Spaces

An effective hotel car park management solution is vital to the overall branding of the hospitality business. Your car park facility extends your business, and it should offer the same level of attention and customer service that your hotel provides. Therefore, you must have enough spaces in your car park to allow your guests to park with ease. Not having enough parking spots available in your parking facility can be detrimental to the reputation of your business.

However, keeping lots of parking spaces free if visitors make a booking is not always the perfect business policy. You could be missing out on considerable revenue just because your car park is half-empty for a large percentage of the time. So, what can you do to monetise your parking resources without allowing them to be overrun by motorists who are not your guests? Various ways will make a difference depending on your hotel’s location, the sort of customers who might like to use your car park there and the number of parking spaces available. Read on to find out.


Car Park Reservation Systems

Although, Automated Number Plate Recognition(ANPR) cameras are a crucial part of car park management, with the introduction of smart parking technology using artificial intelligence, managing car parks has become much more convenient. With an efficient car park reservation system, you can more precisely predict how much spare capacity you will have in your car parking.

Implementing an online car parking reservation system will ease the headache caused by your car park. Through this system, you can allow your customers to book a parking space with a preferable time and date which suits them best. This will make parking hassle-free for them and boost your company’s reputation as a well-organized and unproblematic business.

Hence, you will give your customers an effective service, eliminating revenue lost from potential guests who couldn’t find convenient parking. This way, an online car parking reservation system will help you with complete control over your parking spaces.


Automated Car Parking

With the increasing level of automation in car park technology, the need for human management has reduced to a great extent. For example, technology such as Automated Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) systems eliminate the need for human monitoring as it can work day and night seamlessly and provide information such as length of time the car has been parked, whether or not the motorist has parked in the correct bay assigned to them, whether they have overstayed and if additional charges should be applied.

The same way online bookings of spare parking spaces can be automated, too, taking extra charges from the data gathered by your monitoring technology becomes easy. Therefore, we can say that there are a few onward costs to consider when investing in such high-quality automated car parking systems.


Renting Car Park

One of the ways to make the most of your empty car park spaces and generate handsome income from them is to rent these spaces to local businesses on a long-term basis. You can place a sign up saying that these spaces are reserved for employees of the given organisation, and, by doing so, you can generate a monthly income without causing any disturbance to your guests. You will still have adequate spaces in your car park even when the hotel is full.

By going for a smart booking system, you can tell when your car park is likely to be at its busiest hours. However, in this situation, you could always have flexibility built in your contract with the business you are renting your car park to.


Offer Cashless Payment Option

If your hotel is located close to a visitor attraction, the best option for you is to offer short-term parking availability in accordance with the number of spaces. It will be a great benefit if you use cashless pay stations to manage their parking revenue. Providing your car park users with a cashless pay station means that they will take only a few seconds to pay for the parking; thus, there is no queuing near the exit. Due to the hassle-free approach, parking duration will increase, thereby boosting your business revenue.

We at Euro Parking Services understand that effective car park management is paramount to the success of your hotel. Having worked with several big-name customers across a range of hotel groups over the years, we can provide you with our efficient car park solutions to make the most of your car park. We have a team of highly skilled individuals who can help you boost your business growth and revenue. To know more about our services, get in touch with us at 0845 121 0065. We will be pleased to help you.

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